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It was not her curiosity that made her want to turn her body around to find out who they were and who seemed to enjoy their conversation. But it was how they disrespected others, particularly soldiers who had put their lives on the line to guard and protect their land.

Without them, would they have enjoyed their luxurious and convenient lives as they had until now? Without them, had they ever thought that they might have lost their breath a long time ago?

Apart from that, Joanna disliked the way they talked about the man, whom she hoped would not hear what they were talking about at the moment because Joanna was sure that the general term soldier was specifically aimed at him, her husband.

She also wanted to shout at them that he was not dirty and stinky, as they said. However, even if he was, was it something to be disrespected for someone who had sacrificed his life to defend the land that was not his?