And Now, It's My Turn!

***Last day of Felin's Training Before The Exam***

"Do you remember how many Forms our Race's Sub-Spirit Magic has, Felin-kun?"

"Mhm! Cat-san got 8 Forms, Danboro-san!"

"And those are?..."

"The Lightning-Beast-Form...








...and Saber!"

"And how many of those Forms can you use, Felin-kun?"

"I can use the first four and the fifth but not for too long."

"I see. Considering that you're only 14 years old, it's amazing that you can already use five Forms of our Race's Sub-Spirit Magic."

"Mhm! I'm amazing because I did my best, Danboro-san!"

"You're right, Felin-kun. You really did your best in these four years of your training. I have never trained another LightningBeast-kin as talented as you... Ha!ha!ha!..."