Side Story: The Keeper Of Forest-Valley Dungeon

***When the Black-Weretiger monster appears in front of the DwarfCat-earedElf and the NeoHeroes.***

***POV - Misaki-sensei***




I can't believe that this group of Idiots would really try to challenge the Keeper of the Forest-Valley Dungeon.

With their stupidity, their Adventurers-Party name will be written down on the Adventurers Guild Archive as a reminder of how all of them ended their adventure.

Bronze-Rank Adventurers-Party DungeonKeeper.

Their group is quite infamous in the Dryades Kingdom. Not because of the rumored relationship of their leader with every female member of his group but because of their continued failed attempts to enter inside the Dungeon-Core Area at every Dungeon in the Dryades Kingdom.