Klaus is back

"Where is he?"

  The dark haired man bellowed with a grunt.

He narrowed his eyes menacingly as he watched in discontent as the barrier stood in his exit of entering the castle to meet the person he came to see himself.

    The onlookers watched in marvel as the man who had a dominant resemblance to their crowned prince stood raging like a bullock.

  He slammed his hand on the flimsy looking wall that bounced him backwards. The corner of his lips turned up into an amused smirk as he imagined how much power it took for this barrier to be created specifically for him after he had been banished.

    A frustrated scream was torn from his throat as he tried to put his fist through the barrier only for a force strong enough to sting his bones to seep through his veins. He pulled back immediately as he cradled his fist and let out another animalistic growl.