Taken Away!!

Half Galaxy Rank stage!!!

This would be the toughest battle they would have ever fought in their lives.

"It has been almost 400 years since I've last exercised these bones of mine. Then I hope you guys can give me the massage I need..." The Shaman said as he grabbed the stick beside him before slamming the butt on the ground.

Lines brimming with profound auras quickly appeared on the ground forming a large rune that cuveted the entire space before a barrier surrounded all of them.

Their battle will most likely cause the entire Temple to be destroyed by their power, something the Shaman would like to avoid so he set up this sealing formation beforehand.

"Now let's go all out shall we?" A horrifying amount of battle lust and killing intent emanated from the Shaman as the ground radiated a deo rumbling as if an earthquake was happening while the air completely stopped moving as if under suppression by a mysterious force.