Gaining The Favor Of The Amazonian Princess

"Princess Diana?" 

Zeras asked slightly surprised looking at the figure before him.

Dressed in a long golden-colored flowing gown with different shining crystals adorned at the ends that dragged across behind her figure.

Her golden hair seemed to flutter in the wind revealing short bursts of golden light with an extremely beautiful round face and cherry-red lips.

Zeras could say no doubt this was the most beautiful Human lady he had ever seen.

An aura of natural majesty radiated from her figure even though she was just sitting on the opposite wall.

"You've been out for four days..." Princess Diana said emotionlessly.

"Four days!!!? Guess the mission took all the energy out of me..." Zeras said with a smile as he looked at the bandage wrapped over his upper body up to his neck.

He could still feel slight pain in those areas revealing he took quite the damage due to the Malevolent Sea's corroding ability.