An Intense Calling

The world quivered, cracks ran through the earth for thousands of miles, and mountains were reduced to mere rubbles as a battle between a multitude of races occured.

Bloodlust and battle intent covered the battlefield as beings with gigantic bodies battled one another.

A tiger-like beast was ripped into two halves by a being with huge steel-like claws. Its gigantic body was covered in dark armor-like secretion. Two devilish bat-shaped wings both ending in horns ripped out from them, while a singular curved horn could be seen on its forehead glowing with powerful red-coloured energy.

It tore through countless beings with its two huge claws rampaging through the battlefield unstoppable and invicible.

A powerful beam of green coloured energy moved towards it threatening to drown the devil in its ruinous power but it gave a simple slash, easily reaping through the attack as the claws slammed on the humanoid beings blasting them away.