The Truth Behind Zeras And The Celestria Family 2

An existence made completely of golden energy. Piercingly sharp golden energy made the space around him quiver repeatedly as if unable to hold him in place.

But his form was indiscernible, hidden behind the golden light.

Slowly he arrived before Jason who slowly floated off the ground coming to stand before the man.

"AHHH..." A small shrill scream escaped Jason's lips on sighting the golden entity, yet blood poured out of his mouth even more.

"But, I should be dead, how did you?" Jason's asked in shock.

"I only brought you back for a few seconds. You'll die once again after that except this time there will be no turning back..." The voice said causing Jason to feel his hair rising.

He might have chosen to die earlier ago, but when once again faced with life, death was strangely scary.