Secret Of The Kratos Family


A devastating shockwave rippled through the world as a punch slammed toward Shima's face with horrifying speed.

"Shimmering Apostle Art: Second Form, Shimmering Barrier..." The words escaped Shima's lips, as Zeras fist smashed against the barrier.


Immediately, cracks appear on the barrier quickly spreading around it before it explodes to pieces.

Immediately, Shima exerted strength in his left leg, easily moving backward ten meters.

Immediately his leg stepped down, he got in an air-tight position, his swords held tightly behind him before...


The ground below him caved in as he disappeared right in front of Zera's eyes.

"Shimmering Apostle Art: Third Form: Shimmering Star Strike..."

Immediately a gigantic beam of golden light burst out from Shima's sword appearing instantly in front of Arcules whose eyes widened to saucers.