Finally Awakened...

For a split second, Quinn underwent an experience that he had never gone through before. The feeling of two worlds trying to crush from both sides.

Immediately Atherston clapped, it was like his hands were now space and an invisible force crushed him from both sides, as his knees immediately gave way and he fell down head-first onto the ground.

The entire place went quiet as Atherston stood in the air, his eyes looking at the figure of the young man on the ground as his eyes furrowed before he slowly descended on the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, already done at just 20%. That's not enough..." Atherston said as he crouched to Quinn's level his hands immediately reaching for his hair, but immediately Atherston felt the softness of the hair in his hands, he immediately shut backward with speed.

Arriving fifty meters away from Quinn, his eyebrows furrowed in slight worry before remaining emotionless...

"Tch, I was too late..."