Level Up

[Congratulations, Host has killed a total of 300 Peak Cosmic Rank stage Giarans]

[Reward: +300,000 EXP]

[Congratulations, Host has killed a total of 1000 Giarans consisting of Cosmic and Meteor ranks]

[Reward: 500,000 EXP]

[System Interface]

[Name: Zeras Celestria]

[Race: Chaos Devourer]

[Class: Abyssal Omni-Chaotic]

[Level: 20]

[HP: 600/1000]

[EXP: 800,000/100,000]

[Does Host wish to level up?]

"Yes..." Zeras replied.

[Congratulations, Host has levelled up to level 21.]

[+20 Attributes points]

[Total EXP: 700,000/250,000]

[Congratulations, Host has levelled up to level 22.]

[+20 Attributes points gained]

[Total EXP: 450,000/400,000]

[Congratulations, Host has levelled up to level 23.]

[+20 Attributes Points Gained.]

[Total EXP: 50,000/550,000]


[Strength: 400]

[Agility: 400]

[Perception: 400]
