Zeras, A Racist!!!

"And why the hell is that!?" Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Senna's back.

"It's their only movement law. Aliens are not allowed into the skies..."

'Talk of a way to make their floating city even more special...' Zeras thought. After 5 minutes of continuous walking, they finally arrived before the gigantic white monolith, whose gates were currently spread wide open for all of them. Zeras also entered it, with Senna in front of him.

"Meow!?" The sound of Fluffy rang out beside Zeras' ears as he felt a claw wrapped around his head, pulling him towards a particular direction, with a claw stretching toward it.

To the side of the monolith were none other than a total of three different statues: the statue of a Uroan Orca, a Voidcat, and a LandScurrier Rabbit. But what Fluffy was pointing to was none other than the cat. When Zeras truly looked at it well, he discovered the cat was actually a Void cat!