We All Believe

Hours quickly passed by as the sects performed their tests.

Strangely, all of the geniuses that passed the initial three tests were also able to pass the set's test of their choices, and even Princess Syhelleria was able to pass the test.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, Zeras had no idea, but Princess Scyhelleria had also chosen to go with the Ten thousand transformation sect and she had passed their test too.

But thinking about it, she couldn't join the Divine battle sect in the first place, and the Divine Aether sect is a sect that trains those with elements and special bodies.

He didn't really think the purple energy ability of Princess Scyhelleria could be tempered as an element, and more of an energy, making the Ten thousand transformation sect the best sect for her if she had wanted to further grow her strength as a Hydra.