Calm Yet Deadly...


The entire world seemed to have halted to a stop as a deep-frozen aura covered the area behind Meng Qi. In the next instant, a gigantic phantom of a female snow deity formed behind her.

Immediately, the deity slowly moved both her hands, wrapping her fingers into each other and placing them in front of Meng Qi like a mother trying to protect her child. Finally, the silvery sea smashed against the hands of ice, causing a massive eruption of energy that drowned the entire area. A storm of air violently pierced into the sky.

Slowly, the dust calmed down, yet Meng Qi's face changed wildly when she heard Zeras's whisper resounding from the smoke screen...

"Star Breathing Art: Fourth Form. Recompense of the Stars..."

Stretching his sword towards her through the smoke screen, Zeras took a single step forward. The ground beneath him shuddered as if a colossal titan, and then...