A Devil Called Asura 2

"My will for greater strength is undying..." Zera replied to Asura, who, even though he witnessed the apocalyptic eve of Zera's power, one he never expected, maintained the same aloof expression.

"But even as I walk the path of a demon, I will make sure to pay respect to the benevolence of a Buddha. That is the path I have chosen," Zera mused to himself.

While laying down one's blade ought to be taken as a sign of weakness by a person on the path of a demon, he had decided to pay respect to a Buddha. Those with hearts of courage, who can smile through difficulty, who wanted nothing but justice even though they were weak—he wouldn't disdain them. Instead, he would fight for them the best way he could.

Even though he was on a demonic path for strength, he would also fight to uphold the basic benevolence of a Buddha. That was his choice.