Jumong World

"Hmm, he is at the undying rank too," Zeras mused to himself, sensing the mild vibration oozing from the old man.

Even though he seemed old and looked as if he could fall dead anytime soon, the aura from him was unmistakable.

He was the perfect definition of a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing.

"Might I ask why you come into our humble abode? Is there something we can help you with?" the old man asked with an amiable smile.

"We seek nothing from you at all. We have only come here a few hours ago for an expedition, you may say, and my cat seemed to just walk off.

That is why I have come searching for him. Might I ask what all this is about?" Zeras said, referencing the strange events that were previously ongoing.

"MEOW!" Suddenly, the old man made a cat sound before tapping his staff on the ground. Immediately, the clan began leaving the area, moving back to their abode.