Beer pong!

The party was in full swing, with the sound of laughter and music filling the air. Perse had miraculously been enjoying the festivities, dancing and socializing with her friends. Until Maya and her stupid suggestion ruined everything. 

The beer pong table had become the center of attention. Persephone had been contently observing the games from the sidelines, just as the ongoing game concluded. She was not particularly eager to get involved. She was well aware of the ongoing feud between Josh and Asher and had no intention of being caught in the middle of it again.

"Perse!" Josh called out for her. "We're next! Come on!" he had already positioned himself on one side of the table, a competitive spirit was thick in the air. Asher found himself a partner in Maya, who was a bit more than just tipsy from her indulgence in the party's libations. His and Josh's rivalry was palpable as they found themselves locked in a stare-down that seemed to transcend the game itself.

The crowd gathered around the beer pong table, eager to witness the showdown between Asher and Josh. The party's playlist set the backdrop, with a lively beat that matched the growing anticipation.

They flipped a coin, and Asher went first.

His eyes narrowed in determination as he held a ping pong ball poised above the cup, his fingers steady. He exhaled slowly, focusing his gaze on the formation of the cups on the other side of the table, where Josh and Perse stood.

Josh, equally unwavering, met Asher's gaze with a steely resolve of his own. He stood with his arms crossed, his jaw clenched, and his eyes locked onto Asher's. It was a silent challenge, a clash of wills that went beyond the simple act of sinking a ball into a cup.

The seconds stretched on, each heartbeat echoing in the quiet tension of the room. The partygoers watched in breathless anticipation.

Finally, Asher made his move, flicking his wrist with precision as he released the ping pong ball. It sailed through the air, tracing a perfect arc before landing in one of Josh's cups with a satisfying splash.

Triumphant cheers erupted from the spectators. Josh's jaw tightened further, but he didn't break eye contact with Asher. He knew that his response would be just as crucial. He grabbed the sunk cup, threw the ball, and gulped down the entire drink all in one go. Perse looked at him, concern etched on her features. But she didn't comment on it, afraid of a confrontation. He threw the cup aside and turned to his opponents.

With unwavering focus, Josh retrieved a ping pong ball and, in one fluid motion, sent it soaring across the table. The room held its breath as the ball seemed to hang in the air for a moment before landing with a resounding splash into one of Asher's cups.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, recognizing the determination displayed by both competitors. But it was the unyielding stare-down between Asher and Josh that remained etched in their memories—a silent battle of pride and rivalry.

Asher grabbed the cup and gulped down its contents in one fluid motion. 

Maya swayed slightly as she stood next to Asher, a goofy grin on her face. "I've got this, AJ!" she exclaimed, aiming as she squinted her eyes with unyielding focus. The cup soared through the air, and it hit the rim of the cup and bounced off. The crowd mumbled, disappointed, but was still enthusiastic about the game. 

"You better not intentionally bounce off that ball for your little boyfriend," Josh whispered in Perse's ear, and she shot him an annoyed glare. 

"I'm going to let that slide because you're high, drunk, and mad," Perse said as she aimed. The crowd cheered when she sunk it, and Josh smirked at Asher on the opposite side of the table, pride and competition glinting in his eyes. 

"Guess this one's mine!" Maya giggled as she grabbed the sunken cup. She chugged the contents as the crowd cheered her on, slamming it down once it was empty. Somehow, it looked like she was more invested in the drinking part than the sinking part.

Asher aimed, his focus sharp as he eyed the formation of cups. The ball sailed through the air and landed with precision, sinking into yet another one of Josh's and Perse's cups.

"Drink up P," Josh gave the cup to her. She looked up at his tense look, and at the cool uninterested exterior Asher had on his face, before hesitantly taking the cup from his hand.

She first took a cautious sip of it.

"It's beer Perse not wine," Josh's voice was laced with annoyance and agitation. "Chug it!"

Persephone hesitated for a moment, her brown eyes meeting Josh's with a hint of annoyance. She knew that refusing would disrupt the flow of the game, and she didn't want to be the one to hinder their team's chances. Yet, she couldn't help but think of how much of a douche Josh can be when he's competitive. With a deep breath, she reluctantly took the cup from Josh's hand.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" The crowd grew even more boisterous, sensing the impending drama. Perse, determined to play her part, raised the cup to her lips and chugged the beer in one continuous, albeit slightly reluctant, gulp. The spectators erupted into cheers, clapping and hollering in celebration.

Once she had emptied the cup, Perse set it down, her cheeks flushed from the sudden rush of alcohol and the eyes of the onlookers upon her. She glanced at Josh, offering a forced smile, though her irritation lingered beneath the surface.

Josh, caught up in the excitement of the moment, gave her a playful, satisfied nudge. "Way to be a sport P!" he exclaimed, the adrenaline of the game still coursing through his veins, hardly realizing his friend's agitation.

Undeterred, he stepped up to take his shot, his aim steady and his concentration unwavering. He released the ping pong ball, and it soared gracefully through the air, landing directly into one of Asher and Maya's cups. He victoriously smirked as Asher chugged the drink.

Back and forth they went, each shot more impressive than the last, as they sank cup after cup. The room echoed with cheers and applause, and it seemed as though the game would never end. It was intense, with each cup that they sunk or missed, they could feel the excitement and tension building. 

The final round of the beer pong game had come, and the atmosphere in Josh's living room crackled with anticipation. The opposing teams, Josh and Perse versus Asher and Maya, stood at opposite ends of the table. Every eye in the room was locked onto the setup, knowing that this round would decide the ultimate victors.

The table was littered with empty cups and the residue of spilled beer. Only a few cups remained on each side, forming a triangle of red Solo cups filled with beer. The players exchanged determined glances, their competitive spirits at an all-time high.

Josh stepped up to the table, his fingers gripping the ping-pong ball with unwavering confidence. He knew that this shot could make or break their chances. Persephone stood by his side, her eyes locked onto the formation of cups.

With a deep breath, Josh released the ball. It sailed through the air in a perfect arc, the room holding its collective breath as it approached its target. The ping pong ball struck the edge of a cup, teetering on the brink before finally sinking into one with a satisfying splash.

The room erupted into cheers and applause as Josh and Perse celebrated their successful shot. Maya and Asher exchanged a determined glance, fully aware that their opponents were now one cup away from victory.

With unwavering resolve, Asher retrieved a ping pong ball. He focused on the remaining cups, his mind calculating the angles and the force needed to make the shot. Beside him, Maya watched with bated breath.

Asher released the ball, and it sailed through the air in a precision arc. Time seemed to slow as everyone's eyes followed its trajectory. The ping pong ball hit the edge of the last remaining cup on Josh and Perse's side, teetering dangerously before falling to the ground.

A collective gasp filled the room, followed by a mixture of cheers and groans. The game was not over yet, and the tension was unbearable.

Perse stepped up to the table, her heart pounding with adrenaline. She knew that this shot could secure their victory. With steady hands, she aimed, her eyes locking onto the lone cup that stood between them and winning.

"You better not screw this up for me," Josh whispered in her ear.

'For me!' Not us! This was always about his little vendetta with Asher. She was nothing but a pawn in his quest to prove who 'the bigger man' was. She couldn't help but feel a bit hurt by his attitude, but she let it slide because she knew, better than anyone, just how competitive Josh could get.

She released the ping pong ball, and it sailed through the air with grace. It seemed to hang in slow motion before making contact with the final cup. The room fell into a hushed silence as the ball ricocheted off the rim.

For a moment, it seemed as though the ball would defy gravity and fall into the cup, sealing their triumph. But then, with a gentle touch, it bounced off the rim and landed on the table.

The room erupted into cheers and applause once again, and the players exchanged relieved smiles.

"You did that on purpose! Didn't you?!" he hissed in her face.

"You can be such an '*sshole' when you get competitive," she retorted, and Josh shook his head, blowing her off as he returned his attention to the game. It wasn't over yet. Asher and Maya still had a chance to make a comeback.

With renewed determination, Asher picked up a ping pong ball. He focused on the remaining cups, his eyes locking onto his target. The tension in the room was palpable as he released the ball.

The ping pong ball sailed through the air, and for a moment, it seemed as though it might meet its mark. But then, with a heart-stopping twist, it veered off course and landed on the table, narrowly missing the cup.

The room exploded into cheers as Josh celebrated their victory, grabbing Perse by the waist as he spun her in a hug. His anger just seconds ago was forgotten with the cheers. 

"We've won!" he shouted, and the cheers got even louder as the party continued into full swing. The room buzzed with energy and excitement as Josh placed Perse down and proceeded to celebrate with his friends. 

Amidst the celebrations, Asher, who had been locked in an intense rivalry with Josh throughout the game, simply nodded in acknowledgment of their win. Without a word, he turned away from the table and began to make his way through the crowd.

Perse watched him go, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. As he walked away, she couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the moments they had shared during the game. As intense as it was, she had had her fun. And she guessed Asher had taken their loss way better than Josh could have.

With Maya taking over the dancefloor, and Josh still flaunting his victory over Asher, Perse stood aside, simply watching as everything around her unfolded. Her thoughts, however, kept circling back to Asher. The intensity of the beer pong game they had just played together still echoed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the impact he had on her.

She had seen a different side of Asher during the game—a side that was fiercely competitive yet undeniably charismatic. His smirk, once an irritant, had taken on a new allure. Asher was a puzzle she couldn't quite solve, a complex enigma that intrigued her... But she was going to figure him out... And she took a resolved first step as she walked through the crowd in the direction he had followed.