
"Down here"

Joe Root called Olie Robinson for a little conversation.

Olie: First of all, I am telling you, I already know why you called me here and you

Root: You're such a fool! Just have a look [he puts a piece of paper before him]

Olie unfolded it and glanced cause it was Jimmy's 2nd letter from the unknown guy.

Root: I didn't include the reason whether I would like to talk with you over that matter. But the reasonable point of view is that you were assured about

Olie: YES, I WAS. Cause I can't even imagine half- literally half of you guys have fucking doubt on ME! How can you even justify one without any reason. Just because I have the same Quill? Just because of it?

Root: Remember that day-


"Hey, Jimmy. How have you been?" Olie says. "Ah! Yeah. Doing Good," Jimmy answered. "Hm! Looking sharp," Olie rounded an eye on him and commented. "Thanks," Jimmy sighs. "Ah! Let's get a drink," Olie offered. "Ah! No. I'm fine. You go and choose a better one," Jimmy laughs. "You think I can't choose betters?" Olie asked. "Ah! Didn't mean it. Remember the last meeting with Brandon McCullum! You got drunk and couldn't handle yourself in front of him as it became literally an awful SHAME," Jimmy comes closer then, "So that time be careful of picking," Pinged him. Olie didn't say anything, just gives an awkward look, seems like he didn't like it.


Jimmy comes forward and moves in a corner to pick up his call from a company where he's been a co-founder. While doing a quick conversion, Richie Lock moved back and came in a comfort hiding position before Jimmy. He gave a look when he noticed him, but Richie didn't look at him at all. He hanged his call and was going to tell something to him but Richie gave an allusion with his eye, pointed Olie from the back of the corner. Jimmy turned back and could see that Olie nevertheless removed himself from the Place. "What do you mean?" Jimmy asks Richie as he can't get that. "Ah! For your kind information, First of all I'm sorry that we met in that way, Secondly I'm fine. Hope you're doing good also," Richie Lock says. "I know you're the friend of Sam Curran. But what you ment?" Jimmy asks again. "Sorry, I was behaving as if we didn't know each other. Cause Root was noticing us," He totally lowed his voice and hushly said, "Actually, what I was saying, Olie was taking your photo and I know which is totally normal for you. But he was doing it HIDELY. And I don't know. It didn't seem good to me. He can do it comfortably if he actually has some reasons. But I didn't take it normally that he is hiding his body in a corner and clicking YOUR photo even with no wounds in his mind that you're still going in a cruel situation, Jimmy. Sam told me about all those things. I know Root and others have doubt on Olie. But yeah, what's all those now?" Jimmy didn't react. His face just turned off into worrying about something he even don't know. He even don't care about it. "Look, Lock. Ahm! I know it seems difficult to understand what is happening to me. But I'm fine and it's, it's been totally normal to me. And in these sorts of situations, I would be fine, I will be doing good like now. Just don't worry. And it's okay if he is taking my photos hidley. Just let it go," Jimmy says. Richie Lock didn't say anything, he didn't take Jimmy's feedback normally either.

'Just let it go? Jimmy actually didn't take it seriously? Or he has sense about the sender! Didn't let US know....' What other things can Richie Lock think?

Olie: Yeah, I took photos cause you know I do photography often. I clicked a candid photo of Jimmy and it's normal, I guess.

Root: When do you really think that I love excuses, Olie?

Olie: I'm not giving any excuses

Root: Your weird eyes are telling me each thing. I can't define that I saw you with Jimmy

Olie: Just some professional talkings

Root: At night? [Leans forward] At LATE night.. [Gets closer] on personal-

Olie: Let me tell a thing, then

Root: Just-

Stokes [from behind] : Rooty! We just have 6 minutes in hands for the movie. Come now.

Root: [Stucked up in the middle; hardly] Coming [Stands up while looking at him] Maybe it's not your time. But Later I will destroy you, I swear. What're you hiding. Whatever is waiting for you. Let me tell you one last thing- I WAS THERE FOR FEW TIMES TOO.

Olie: Just stop giving me threats. You can't prove anything. Who are you to ask me things? Do you have any proof? [Shouts a bit with anger floating in his face]

Root: [About to rush with Stokes, but stopped his steps after hearing those stupid questions, moved back] MY FACE - IS MY PROVE [Shouts too and left]

Olie: Anything?! [Disturbly]