I don't know if I actually feel better today. I have to go through many things. I stopped writing last week I have to write still. I don't have any other way to pass my time. Truth is- the world went under lockdown for COVID I didn't feel a change. I was forever in my house, isolated from the world, alone, dying...
One isn't happy on his place. Not because he wants more, because we all need a change. I spend my days, I count today it is 17th September, then the 18th, then the 19th is continuing... where's the change? I'm living the SAME day with myself, no change, no things. Days changed, date changed, weekend changed. I look outside, the air changes, the weather changes, the sun goes, it comes, morning, and then night... I look in the mirror, NOTHING CHANGES, where is morning, where is night?