Chapter 9 - Mr. Cane Is Possessive

I was wrong.

The fight last night didn’t end with just Augustus walking away.

Of course, just when you think you’re safe, that’s when shit really happens.

Round 2 wasn’t just shouting and threats, by the end of it Mom managed to barricade herself inside her room and we were both sporting fresh bruises.

Make-up is expensive so I’m being stingy about the amount of foundation I can put in order to cover up my face. This single tube I found at a gas station nearby is a godsend but it’s running out.

I quickly chuck it inside my drawers when the elevator dings. A bruise on the cheek is easy enough to mask but a split lip is harder to hide. I bow my head when Mr. Cane walks down the corridor.

In the corner of my eye, I could see him sauntering over. He really is meant to be on a runway or at least in a studio making commercials or a film. Maybe he can be a leading man type? Hmm.. maybe an action star? He looks like he works out. He’s got this lean but muscular figure. No, no.. he’s more suited to the broody and sexy roles. Almost like he could snap you in half if he wants to but in a darker way. And those biceps... Oh yes, he can be like those vampires or werewolves, those ones with a predatory look but deep inside have a heart of gold?


“New girl! What the hell?” He literally snaps his fingers in front of my face.

Oh my god.

“Yes, sir? I mean, Mr. Cane, sir?” I finally looked up at him. “Sorry,” I add when I see that he’s looking at me inquisitively. He studies my face more intensely. I suck in my lips so that he doesn’t see the cuts. It hurts so bad, I angle myself away from him.

“Follow me.” He strides into his office and leaves the door open. Unlike yesterday, he’s back to his aloof and standoffish self. Just as well, he was weird. The attention was too much for my heart. Not when I’ve accepted that I find him really really attractive.

“Close the door.” He says while typing on his computer. His commanding voice makes me move quicker.

“The launch party for one of our biggest clients will be on Friday. You have a few days to check in with Marketing. I’m sure they need all the help they could get at this point.”

“Okay, this is noted, sir.”

“Make sure that split lip is healed by then.” He adds before I close the door to his office.

I guess he did notice after all.


The Marketing Department is one of the most fun places in this building.

It’s sectioned into different areas and decorated with its distinct quirkiness.

Charlie’s squeals greet me once I alight the elevator.

“Giiirl.” He hugs me tight, squeezing me.

“Calm down, we just saw each other at lunch yesterday.” I deadpanned but he’s not fazed. He knows I’m kidding by the small smirk on my face.

He swats my shoulder. I lean back playfully, trying to avoid his girly antics.

“I swear, you’re a kid. Who made you an authority figure here?” I quip as I walk beside him.

He leads me through a maze. If the accounting department is all gray and serious, this department is littered with colors and unconventional ideas. I even spot someone with what looks like a mean-looking robot in heels and a pink tutu.

An explosion of confetti on the other side of the room makes me jump and clutch a nearby cubicle’s wall but no one else seems surprised at all by the commotion. Charlie ushers me forward.

“Madame, please set aside your attitude and discover my worth.” As if on cue, we come to a corner cubicle twice the size of the others in the maze. Charlie waves his hand, indicating that the mess before me is his own personal gay kingdom.

Judging by all the pink glittery stickers, rainbow-themed plushies, and Blackpink merchandise, I cannot deny the fact that Charlie is right. The company recognizes his value alright, no one in their right mind would allow such a thing if Charlie isn’t damn good at his job.

He turns to me, gingerly parks his butt on his desk, and gestures to his chair for me to sit down. He turns down the K-pop song playing on his computer.

With ‘Kill This Love’ still playing in the background, and Charlie jiggling his limbs to it, he says, “What brings you up here, O? Your text is a bit vague. Are you absorbing Austin’s mysterious vibe? Are you both brooding down there on the 10th?”

I ignore his jokes. It must be so much fun working up here, instead, I’m stuck with Mr. Intense.

“Boss wanted me to help out at the launch party? The one with the big client? Dunno which one, he just said it’s this Friday.”

“Babygirl, there’s only one big event this week and it’s with Red Jewels. It’s a technology company that caters to high-end investors. Basically, rich people fund the company to do whatever. And we just closed a deal with them.”

He leaves his desk and grabs something on the other table. He hands me a small device, that barely fits my palm. He delicately points his finger at its side - a pink light and a hum emanate from it.

“Mr. Cane’s team just built a prototype that’s practically all the rage in robotics. I mean, I don’t get it. It’s a small device. But, it’s actually really really important for this one app…” He goes on about the science behind it and I marvel at how he can just know these things.

“Girl, are you even listening to me? No wonder Austin scolds you.” Oh, now I get why he’s one of the bosses.

“Sorry, Char. Science makes me tune out.” I shrug. This makes him laugh.

“You and I both, honey. But I had to memorize all this shit when my team pitched it to the client. Don’t get me started with those meetings with the Engineering boys, they were hellish.”

“Engineering - you mean, Tommy’s guys?” He gave me a judgmental look upon the guy’s name and I backpedaled.

“I mean, I just remembered he said he was the head,” I explained unnecessarily, digging myself into a deeper hole.

“Suuure. Anyway, the nerdy guys are cool, they just go on and on about math and science. But the macho guys? They can be real pricks. Granted, I walked in there with my yellow heels on. But still..” He drifted off.

“So what do I need to do for the event? What preparations can I help with? Mr. Cane didn’t specify. I think he just wants me to see all the different departments.”

“We’re almost done with everything, but I just need someone to double-check the seating arrangements. It’s all laid out and there’s a checklist. I just need confirmation from department heads and their team.”

“Sure, I can do that.” I barely get the words out and he’s handing me sheets of lists. He really is efficient.

“Off you go! Kisses!” He turns up the music.


I’m almost done with the list. So far, all the employees of Cane Industries are helpful. Some are quite busy but they accommodated my question. I’ve already met most of the heads and the rest are polite.

I don’t understand how Mr. Cane can just fire some of them just like that. Or maybe I don’t know what it’s like to run my own business. The pressure must be intense. But still, it doesn’t really excuse his behavior.

I ponder his rudeness once again, this is becoming my pastime. Analyzing him, studying his personality. I think this isn’t just a normal crush.

The doors of the elevator snap me out of my thoughts. The last on the list is the Engineering Department. Of all the people here, I have to talk to Tommy.

I walk through the giant doors and across the work area. No one looks up from their work. Must be nice to be so passionate and determined about your task that you don’t care about the outside world.

I ponder my career and the fact that I don’t have a specific passion or niche. One that I'm so into that nothing else matters. At this point in my life, I’m in survival mode every day - at home, at work. I don’t have the time or energy for anything else.

“What’s got you so worried?” A smooth voice interrupts my thoughts. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep but man, I’ve been blanking out all day. I can feel the heat on my cheeks, in the humiliation of being caught unaware again or because of the intense attention directed my way.

With his arms folded on his chest, emphasizing his strong-looking biceps, and leaning up on the door, Tommy looks every bit of a rugged supermodel. His white v-neck shirt is barely keeping his muscles contained and the whole wrench-in-hand aesthetic - it’s really not helping me avoid picturing him as a leading man in a romance novel. This man is ready to fix a lady’s house and make love to her.

“I got a list.” I stammer out.

“And what is it?” He looks over the details. The quirk on his mouth, when he smiles, is really something. No wonder many girls fall for this man.

“Just the event on Friday. Since you guys were practically the geniuses who made the products, you’re expected to be there.” I’m surprised I pumped out those many words in his presence.

“I don’t know,” he says reluctantly, “Austin told me about this but work’s been pretty crazy around here lately. Would you uhm... Would you be there?”

“Well, I mean that’s a work thing. I’m helping out so I think Mr. Cane would assign me to assist somewhere.” I shrug. I don’t exactly know what to expect from Mr. Cane. His actions are so random and unpredictable.

“If you’d be there, maybe I can stop by. It’s on the 30th floor, right? I’ve rarely gone there. Not much on the big fancy stuff.”

“I, uhm...I’m not really sure about hanging out but okay? I think I’ll be around.”

“Okay, I’ll find you.” He gives me another endearing smile.

I want to melt into a goo on the floor. He narrows his eyes behind me.

“Find you where exactly?” Mr. Cane’s voice gave my neck goosebumps. I see Tommy trying not to laugh but my fear is evident. If I were a cat, my hackles would have risen by now.

I do not want to turn around and face my boss. I side step and I reflexively move out of his way.

My jerky movements caused me to bump my hip on a table, nearly causing some screwdrivers to fall down. Tommy laughed while catching the falling items.

“I asked a question. Where is Mr. Ford going to find you, Ms. Blake?” His stoic face not giving way to any trace of emotion.

“Oh, relax Austin. I was just telling Olivia here that I’ll see her at the event on Friday. No big deal, it’s a company event anyway. Are we not allowed to mingle with coworkers, Mr. Cane?” His mocking voice but innocent face makes me giggle.

The sound caused Mr. Cane to look my way. His piercing eyes quickly shut me up.

“Besides, I can sit wherever I like, right? Since I don’t have to shmooze the clients like you.” He adds on, just to tease Mr. Cane some more. I’m not sure if this guy has a death wish.

Mr. Cane has been silent up to this point.

“And hey, maybe we can sit beside each other?” He directs the question at me. “Can I see the seating arrangements again?” He motions towards the papers in my hand. I hand them over but Mr. Cane intercepts it.

“No. There’s no need for that. She’s going to sit beside me.” Mr. Cane grabs the papers and walks out.