Chapter 11 - A Great Night


“ glad to be your partner. Congratulations to us all and thank you.” Althea finishes her speech. I extend my hand as she steps off the stage, helping her navigate through the crowd. She loops her hand through my arm as I guide her.

She whispers in my ear, “Are you sure it’s just business?”

I look at her face, trying to decipher what she means.

“She’s looking at you as much as you’re looking at her,” she leans over once more.

I don’t play coy. I zoom in on the marketing table. Sure enough, new girl’s eyes are on us.

Althea grips my arm closer to her body. She takes a peak at the table.

“With the amount of attention we’re giving them over there, I’m sure she means more to you than what you’re telling me.”

“No.” She laughs at my immaturity.

“You don’t realize it yet, I see.”

“Don’t make assumptions.” I pulled up her seat for her.

“Thanks. I’m sure she’ll love how gentlemanly you are to another girl.” She smirks.

“I’m sure she’s also loving the man-child hanging all over her,” I mumbled to my drink. My annoyance is dissipating. Maybe because of the drinks or maybe because of Althea.

“Oh, my god. I thought I’d never see the day. Is that a little bit of jealousy I can detect over there, Mr. Cane?”


“How many times did Meredith try to make you jealous? How many men did she flirt with just so she can elicit some emotion from you?”

“That’s different. She was doing it on purpose, I don't give in to that kind of manipulation.” I can still remember all the times she would hang around other men, making me watch. It did not deter me in any way. I knew she was just acting up.

“And I’m not jealous now. I’m just keeping an eye on her.” I add on, just to prove my point.

“I’m only kidding, darling. There’s no need to get so worked up about this.” She squeezes my thigh.

“You’re getting me worked up.” I take another swig from my drink.

Her delicate laugh is so amusing it makes me smile as well.

“This has been fun, Austin. Can’t remember the last time I had this banter with someone just for the sake of it. Running your own business empire takes a lot. You would know.”

I tap my whiskey glass to her martini. We share a meaningful look, one that only heads of companies can relate to.

“Glad to be of service, ma’am.” I tip my imaginary hat at her.

“You’ve been silly and charming tonight. First the jealousy, then this goofy guy. What has gotten into you?”

“Maybe getting rid of Meredith was really a blessing in disguise. I feel freer.” I lounge back in my seat. Crack my neck, left and right, and just relax my whole body. I don’t care if the employees see this side of me. I angle myself away from the table my eyes have been glued to for the better part of the night.

I enjoyed the rest of the night with Althea by my side. Joking around and getting drunk. It’s our reward to ourselves for a good job. The employees seem to have the same plan.

Most are dancing and getting rowdier by the minute.

The drinks and the good company keep me lulled into a great mood. Nothing and no one can ruin this for me now.

Well, there is one thing.

Fucking Tommy with his hand on new girl’s lower back. On their way out of the room.

I instinctively rise up from my seat. My chair screeched back with the sudden movement.

Alarmed, Althea stands but I gently guide her back to her seat.

“I’m going to check on something. I’ll just be a minute. Wait here.” I don’t wait for her reply and dash toward the door.

Some employees turn to look at me but ignore them all as I reach the couple.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I grabbed Tommy’s arm.

“What the hell, Austin?” His perplexed look stops me.

“I’m just going to step outside for some fresh air. Tommy said he’ll accompany me.” New girl sounds incredulous.

I feel foolish. I let Tommy’s arm go. I wasn’t aware of how tightly I was gripping him.

“She doesn’t have any more work to do, man. We’re just going outside for a while.” He cocks his head at me. Curiosity was plain on his face.

I don’t blame him, even though I am alarmed at myself today.

Tommy guides new girl to the elevators.


“Darling, what happened to you?” Althea inquires as I take my seat.

“Nothing.” The expression on her face says she does not believe me.

“Really, I just talked to someone and went to the restroom. Why are you asking, did you want to join me?” I tease her.

“Is that a formal offer, Mr. Cane?” Her predatory look is unmistakable. “Cause this is shaping to be my one night of freedom. I plan to maximize it.” She leans her head on my shoulder.

“I think you’ve had enough fun for one night, Miss Althea.” I remove the glass from her hand and set it at the far corner of our table. Everybody’s off to the dance floor. We’re the only two remaining here.

She stares at me. I’m getting antsy.

“I’m curious. Tell me, Austin. How does one just build themselves back up like that? Don’t you have nightmares about it?”

“Ohh - Okay, you’re definitely cut off for the night.” I quickly stand and take her hand in mine. I led her over to the elevators.

“You’ve always been my favorite, you know?”

“Uh-huh, sure.” I push the button for the basement where I know her car is parked and the driver is waiting.

“It’s just really hard when you look a lot like him.” Her voice is devoid of any mirth or slurs now.

“This is not the time, Althea. We’ve had drinks.”

“Oh, that’s what gets you to drop the ‘miss’?” She tries to bring back the jovial mood but it’s definitely gone now. I open her car door and help her to sit down but before I close it, I tell her, “It means I’m serious.”

“I’m sorry for not being there for you, Austin.” She grabs the corner of my suit and pulls me towards her.

“I mean it, I’m sorry.” She ran a finger over my shoulder, and my arm and finally reached my hand.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I turn away from her.

“Me too.” She grabs my face with her other hand and guides me to kiss her.

“You’re drunk,” I say before our lips meet.

“Jerry, take us home.” She says to her driver and rolls up the partition, her voice with more clarity and seriousness than I’ve heard from her all evening.

“Are you sure?” I uselessly ask. We’re on the way out of the Cane Industries.

“Do I look like someone who's ever uncertain?”

“That’s a very good point.” I kissed her.

I trace the curves that've been begging for my touch all evening.

“Are we really doing this?” I know I have to ask this one more time before everything is too late.

“Darling, your tongue is in my mouth and your hand is doing wonderful things to me. Do you want us to stop because of some mistaken chivalry nonsense?”

“God no.”

“Then shut up,” and I do. I resumed groping her.

I parted the slit of the green dress that had been tempting me the whole evening.

She takes my hand creeping up her dress and traps it between her legs as she maneuvers herself on top of me.

The powerplay is something I should have expected from her.

She bites her lip while she lowers herself on my fingers.

Not to be outdone by her, I grab her ass and guide her down while I part her folds.

She moans at this and exposes her neck. I take the opportunity to suck my first mark of the evening.

“Ugh, Austin.”

I enter her and hope that her driver is at least listening to music up there. I don’t care at this point.

All I want to do right now is pleasure this woman on my lap.

She grinds while I stroke inside her. My thumb is doing its job if her moans are any indication.

She’s gasping a bit, I’ve never seen Althea this disheveled and sexy before. It’s intoxicating.

She’s getting tighter by the second but she stops at the last moment.

She quickly unzips me and takes me inside her.

All the flirting and tension melt just like that.

She moves.

I let her take over.

Just this time. We’ve got all night.


Back at her house and after a few rounds, she calls for a time-out.

“Water break?” I laugh at her. I’ve never seen this side of her. She’s always been the serious and cool girl no one has ever seemed to lock down.

All the tension in my body has left.

I’m thoroughly relieved of the stress and the emotions I’ve been experiencing all day have finally quieted down.

I’m aware we both dodged a topic neither wants to discuss and sex is always a good distraction.

I don’t even want to think about the Tommy thing. I just want to enjoy this moment.

“What are you brooding about over there?”

A naked girl holding a glass of water. What else would anyone ever need?

“Nothing at all.” She lays on top of me and makes me sip the water.

“We’re going to talk about it someday.” She kisses me. “Whatever it was at the launch.” I hum and lick her neck.

“And that thing we’ve never talked about in years.”

“Uh huh,” Anyone would say yes if there’s a naked girl grinding on top of you.

I grab her waist and pin her down.

“Enough talking for now.”

From her bedside table, I take the rope and methodically tie her hand to the railings of her headboard. Guess she’s quite prepared.

“I’ve always wanted to do this to you, Althea.” Her other hand is up next.

“I wonder what it’s like to take such a powerful woman and reduce her to moans.” I part her legs while she tries out the tightness of the ropes.

“Wonder what it would be like to make someone like you submit to me,” I say while I tease her opening.

It would be so easy to just push inside and get what we both want but I want to prolong this.

I glide over her again and again.

“Fucking you wouldn’t just be enough, am I right? A woman like you needs to be dominated.” I pushed a little bit into her. Just the tip and slid back out.

The sounds coming from her are exquisite.

“Women like you want to submit to guys like me.” I continued this motion a few more times.

“Yeah, Austin. Yes, take me, darling.”

“I don’t need your permission,” I stroke inside her, giving her my full length. She arches her back and squirms underneath me.

“I don’t. Need. Your. Permission.” I emphasize each word with each thrust.

“Oh my god.” Althea is about to break. She squeezes her eyes shut and grits her teeth.

I’m sure for a woman with so much power as hers, it's a bit challenging to completely surrender to someone else. I make it easier for her.

I lift up her legs over my shoulders and penetrate her from a deeper angle.

“Oh, my fucking god.” She actually whispers to her pillow.

“Austin, shit. So good.” She looks straight into my eyes. It’s like she herself can’t believe what’s happening right now. I grope her chest and use my fingers to add more pleasure. I stroke her clit slowly while fucking her deeply.

I know the restraints are helping add to the stimulation. The fact that she can’t use her upper body. The fact that I’m conquering in every way.

“This is such a great night. Fuck.” She breathes out.
