Chapter 17 - Olivia’s Desires

There’s no light in the hallway leading to the kitchen.

From what I can see, the faint illumination is coming from the fireplace.

My parched throat keeps me venturing from the guest room and out into the open space.

The snow outside has worsened. Layers and layers of white almost covered the entirety of the glass-paned wall. Allowing only a sliver of light from the moon to shine through.

The thunder that envelopes the sky every few seconds does a better job of leading me through Mr. Cane’s living room.

The carpet absorbs my footsteps. I’ve never felt something more luxurious on my bare feet.

Rounding the island, my eyesight treats me to a glorious sight.

Mr. Cane, shirtless with sweats hanging loose on his pelvis.

Spooning ice cream into his mouth.

A sexy man and dessert. I don't know which one is more tempting for me.

I’m spared from fainting because his back is facing me and the abs I’ve seen earlier aren’t assaulting my senses.

But when lightning strikes again, I’m treated to one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen in my life.

Mr. Cane’s arms, from his shoulder to his wrist, are covered in intricate tattoos. There’s one that creeps from his shoulder blade to the edge of his collarbone. I can’t see properly the rest but from my view, it’s already so damn good-looking.

His bulging muscles emphasize the grooves and complicated patterns, making it seem 3D and textured.

The V shape of his torso is proportioned to his hips. His biceps keep on flexing while he scoops the dessert into his mouth.

I can also see a glass of scotch on the island. Mr. Cane came here to indulge.

Not wanting to interrupt his late-night activities, I backtracked but even though it was dark, he seemed to detect my movements.

He turned in my direction and I was not ready at all.

If his back was delicious, the front is making me breathless.

The intricate patterns are more alive in his chest. His arms present more complex designs.

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Mr. Cane in anything but long-sleeved shirts and suits in the office.

Is this what he was hiding?

“They’re beautiful.” I blurt out.

He eyes the fireplace then the glass wall. He seems to decide that it is fine for me to see him like that since the lights are low.

Maybe his inhibitions are close to non-existent because of the nearly finished glass of hard liquor that I don't think was his first but I don’t say anything about it.

His physique mesmerizes me, I wasn’t aware that I’d taken a few more steps toward him despite planning to leave.

He cocks his head, gauging my actions.

He leaned his hips against the counter and carefully, so very carefully he took the spoon, scooped a little bit of ice cream, and slowly raised it to his mouth.

I’m transfixed. His movements keep my eyes trained on his mouth.

My gaze trails down to his body and the little peak at the elevator has nothing on this.

I knew he had abs. I just didn’t know it looked like this. The way it was sculpted, each muscle so defined. I wanted to trace it.

With my fingers or with my tongue, I wasn’t sure at this point.

“Do you want some?” I nod slowly, reverently.

“Ice cream.”


“I said, do you want some ice cream?” My eyes are back to his mouth.

“It’s caramel flavored,” He almost whispers to me. Not breaking the spell he seemed to have cast upon me.

He scoops another spoonful but instead of bringing it to his own mouth, he raises his hand and gently places the tip of it on my lips.

The sweet taste of sugar lands on my lips and I instinctively lick it.

Another lightning illuminates the room and I catch his eyes on my lips.

He doesn’t retract his hand after I’ve taken the spoonful of ice cream. In fact, he kind of presses the tip of the spoon against my lips more.

He stares at my mouth.

A beat passes. He grabbed his drink and downed it.

He passes me the spoon and the pint of ice cream. Angling himself to the side and taking another sip of his scotch.

Caramel is my favorite and I’ve never said no to free food so I happily take the spoon and scoop more into my mouth.

The deliciousness of it distracts me again.

A few seconds later, it seemed that Mr. Cane wanted to torture me more because he presented me with his mouth-watering abdominal muscles in full view.

I’m back to tracing the grooves of his abs when I notice something more delectable. He has a V leading to his groin.

I almost choked up with the fact that this man is almost naked in front of me with this insane body and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. And what is that?

Oh my god, he has a tattoo leading down, down, down…

“Are you almost done?” He stops me from all the eye-f*cking that I’m currently doing to his intimate parts.

He nods towards the spoon and melting ice cream.

I feel like such a predator but I can’t help the thoughts running around in my mind when he’s just standing there looking like that.

“Yeah, I um..” I take another peek at his overall physique.”I got thirsty.” I gulp.

He hands me a glass of water. I never would have thought Mr. Cane would be this attentive.

I’m just happy watching him move. His body is a work of art.

I just wish there was proper lighting so that I could see everything. But the few seconds of lightning are more than enough.

Oggling your half-naked boss is not something very professional but I really think he left me with no choice. For starters, his biceps alone can be the subject of my fantasies, but the rest of him? I didn’t stand a chance.

“Let’s go to bed.” I nod once more. I’m genuinely out of it. He could have asked me anything and I’d gladly do it.

“I’ll lead you.” The mirth in his tone sobers me. Of course, he meant separate beds! I knew that.

He might have just wanted to escort me ‘cause it’s dark.

He guides me toward the guest room that’s directly across from his.

Every step is rife with tension, at least I can say that it is for me. I’m not sure how he’s feeling but I’m still flustered by the ice cream incident.

We reach the door and he opens it for me. I pass by him and I can feel the heat of his body.

I’m not sure if it’s just my crazy imagination but I feel like he freezes up and goes stiff. He puffs up his chest and I turn to check on him, but he rushes outside and softly but swiftly closes the door.

I snuggle into the fluffy duvet and let the storm lull me to sleep.


The wind is still howling outside and it's relatively dark.

I feel the duvet getting lifted and Mr. Cane slips in beside me.

A few seconds pass by and I can feel his warm hands on my chest. Instead of being surprised, I let it happen.

He’s just resting his fingers below my throat. Slowly, I feel them going down my stomach and under my shirt. He softly pads his fingers on my belly button.

My breathing is labored. Anticipating his next movements.

I feel a hot mouth press on my neck while his fingers reach the top of my panties.

His tongue laved my skin and sucked it afterward. Small little nips follow.

While he’s working my neck, I feel his fingers reach my most sensitive part. Excruciatingly slow and deliberate, he glides it downward.

Gathering the wetness, he moves up again. Repeating this, again and again. Up and down. The almost sluggish and indulgent pattern is maddening.

His mouth is sucking on any skin he can reach, teasing me more.

Just when I know I can’t take it anymore and my hips are moving in tandem with his slow strokes, he enters me. I don’t know how his hands are touching me all at once but he still keeps up the movement. Inside me and on me, he’s driving me insane.

He sucks on the other side of my neck and moves on top of me.

His weight on me feels so good and right.

He plunges his fingers inside of me repeatedly. It’s like his hands are all over, so many things happening at once. Slow but at the same time quick, everywhere. His mouth is all over my body simultaneously. The assault on my senses is overwhelming.

I can’t do anything but move my hips in accordance with his rhythm.

It’s building and building but I enjoy my climb up.

I don’t understand how everything is happening all at once but the stimulation of all the sensitive parts of my body is so toe-curlingly good.

I want this to last forever. I’ve never felt this good before. I plead with him to not stop.

Don’t ever stop. Make me feel like this. Always like this.

He gives me more. Pumps harder, strokes just the right way, and touches me here and there where I like it the most. He knows all my secret places and pushes just the right buttons to make me grit my teeth.

I know I’m moaning so much, I can’t help it. The pleasure is too much and it’s just keeping me at the right point, not at the climax yet but just on the brink of it.

I can taste it. But I want to stay here forever with him.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I felt something bigger nudge me. While he’s pumping his fingers, I feel his hardness gliding through me.

I moan harder at the thought.

I can’t see his entirety but I just know he’s big. Just from the shape that’s nudging me.

“Do you want me?” He whispers to my neck.

Somehow, I don’t have it in me to respond. I move my hips up when he stops all movements.

The disappointment is apparent in my body deflating. He removes his fingers inside me but takes his tip and deliberately moves it across me. Driving me crazy, he uses my wetness to slide from top to bottom. Almost entering me.

He’s teasing me, we both know it but I don’t have it in me to reprimand him.

He takes his large hand and grabs my waist, he angles me better so that my entrance is on his tip.

He pushes a bit, then retracts.

“Ugh.” His fingers are back to playing with my cl*t while he enters me with his tip. Then goes back out.

“I said, do you want it?” He emphasizes every word with his maddening game. Pushing inside me just a little bit then going back and gliding through me.

Almost making me chase his hardness with my hips.

I claw his back, his muscles moving in time with his rhythm.

“Oh my god,” keeps running through my mind. I don’t understand what is happening anymore. I just really want him inside me, pounding me.

“Sir,” I moan out loud. This gets to him, he gives me more inches before moving out.

“Mr. Cane,” I try to call him. His movements are less controlled. I can tell he loves the power over me.

He’s gliding less over me and getting deeper when he enters. He does it again. A few more times. Every time it gets better and better.

His hands cover my chest in a possessive way. His sucking is almost painful on my nipples but in a delicious way.

“I want you, sir,” I repeat. Almost desperate.

Hearing this must be the permission he needed, he grabs my waist and hauls me up. He supports my back and carries my upper body like I weigh nothing. His strength directs me down, toward him.

I feel his tip once more entering me, the delicious stretch is exquisite. I can’t help but twist the sheets on my hand and grab onto his bicep with the other.

He’s going so deep in me inch by delicious inch.

Until I feel an insistent tapping on my shoulder. I want to swat it away.

I’m almost there. I have him where I want all of him, finally.

The tapping becomes a vigorous shake.

Disgruntled and clearly not happy about the disturbance, I open my eyes.

Mr. Cane isn’t naked on top of me, giving me all his inches, he’s beside the bed and looking at me weirdly.

“You alright there?”

I cannot be more embarrassed.

“There’s breakfast.” He lets the puppy in his arms join me in bed as he walks out.

I cover my face on the pillow.

Wishing that he didn’t hear me f*cking him in my dreams.