Chapter 32 - We Don’t Stand A Chance

It’s one of those days.

“...didn’t mean to walk out on you last night, Althea. Speak soon, take care.” He rounds the corner to the kitchen.

It would have been all good and fine except I heard what he said on the phone.

So, he was with her last night. I knew that. With the way they were canoodling in the meeting room, of course, they were going to meet right after.

Would he really miss the opportunity to be with her when she went all the way to his building?

My jaw clenches. I sink my teeth into my peanut butter and jelly toast. Crumbs scatter all over the table. I’m chomping on the sandwich and I do not care.

I wash it down with my cold coffee. I stand to refill my cup and dump more sugar in it.

One spoon. Two spoons. A dash of milk.

Mr. Austin glances at what I’m doing when he fills his cup.

I don’t acknowledge him and stride over to my seat where Charlie is waiting beside me on her own chair. I give her a piece of white bread. She ignores it. She’s getting picky.