Chapter 37 - Arranged Marriage


The door slamming makes me swivel my chair back.

“Austin,” Samantha Cane said in a way of greeting.

I murmur a goodbye to the head of the I.T. Department and switch my phone to silent. I don’t want distractions for this.

I raise my head, that’s all she’s going to get today.

“That’s no way to greet your own mother,” she said. She stands by the large windows.

I don’t respond. She’s baiting me. Why else would she visit me here?

“It’s a little cramped in here, no proper ventilation,” she said. Inspecting the room further. “Didn’t you hire Elaine? She’s the best interior designer in town.”

I remain passive, looking almost bored. But I know her every move is calculated, precise, and deliberate.

She makes herself comfortable on the leather sofa by the window.

She purposely disregarded the chair in front of my desk. A power move. Of course, wouldn’t want to seem like a subordinate in any way.