Chapter 39 - Second Chances

A split second, a moment of euphoria.

Then it all came crashing down. My instincts kicked in, the way he enveloped me. I’m caged in, pinned to the door.

I can’t breathe. My heart is pounding and it’s not the good kind.

I push his chest. He swiftly pulls back.

He gazed at me, the hurt and bewilderment were clear in his eyes.

“I thought…” he said.

I grasp the doorknob to my left to hold onto something.

He tried to reach out but it made things worse.

Dark room. Enclosed space. I’m pinned.

I blink a couple of times. My eyes searched for anything to focus on to distract myself.

The windows. His huge chair. That weird bust of a man on top of his desk over there.

This door is an exit. Sharp quick breath and exhale longer.

I can get out anytime. I can get out if I want to.

There’s no need to panic.

“I apologize if I misinterpreted things,” he looked contrite, like a boy who did something wrong.