Chapter 41 - Free Falling

I have a secret.

There was no decision to be made. I had no choice.

I knew.

The moment he crashed into me on that first day, I knew he would be something to me.

A tormentor? Yes, at first he really was.

Bane of my existence? Yes, more accurately. Perfectly described him when he called me stupid to my face.

But he was also the reason I kept on fighting. He brought out something in me that wanted to claw itself out.

I wanted to prove myself. I wanted to be better.

There was a need to show him that I can be.

But more importantly, I craved to prove to myself that I am capable.

That I am valuable. I’m worth something.

That may be my ego talking. But it screamed nonetheless.

He challenged me, he forced me to push harder than I ever did.

He brought out the side of me that was capable of so many other things.

For better or for worse, he called something in me and it responded.

It’s not a matter of choice, we don’t actually have a say in what our heart wants.