Chapter 43 - Weekend Getaway

“We’ve been on a lot of informal dates. Hell, you’re living here, but uhm… I would like to take you on an official date, yes,” he nods at himself.

He’s awkwardly adorable. I never thought I would see the day.

I almost giggle He’s unbelievable. This is too much.

He’s too cute for his tough guy image. What happened to the guy who made me cry on one of my first days at the company? What happened to that guy who yelled at me at the trade fair in front of that many people?

Who is this man standing in the kitchen holding a puppy, looking at me hopefully?

I may not get over the fact that there’s another Austin right in front of me. But I want to explore this other side of him.

“Yes, of course,” I fight the urge to let out a girly squeal. Rosie would have a field day if she knew how giddy I am right now. She would probably smack me with a pillow to get a hold of myself.

“Give me a few hours,” he said. Quick strides to his study while typing on his phone.