Chapter 49 - The Two Of Us

I can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching me. It’s this overwhelming sense of personal invasion.

For the past couple of weeks, I find myself with goosebumps all over my arms every time I sit down at my desk.

The stalker. I look around to spot any gadgets that can pass off as a hidden camera. Would I even know what to look for? I scan the walls, wary of any device but there’s nothing. None that I can visibly detect.

Am I getting paranoid? But that’s silly, why would I feel like that when everything is so good these days?

It’s a big day, maybe I’m just worried and anxious. That must be it.

I should just calm down and maybe discuss this with Austin. But I know this stalker situation can’t go on, I feel so weird every time I’m at work. I fidget in my seat.

Sitting down has been a bit hard lately. A chuckle escapes my lips. No dark thought can withstand Austin Cane.