Chapter 52 - Love Sucks

He didn't come home.

He said he'd come home to me but I was alone in bed when I woke up the next morning.

I hurry over to the kitchen, maybe he's just having breakfast. I round the corner but he's not there.

Charlie tails me as I check Austin’s gym and office. I even checked my old room. Nada, he's not here.

They may have something important to talk about. His mother was a bit distraught. He might have needed to support her.

I purse my lips, she’s not my favorite person and she’s a pain in the ass but she is still my boyfriend’s mother. I just wish she wouldn’t insult me all the time. I can only take so much.

I drag my feet over back to the kitchen and give Charlie her kibbles.

She whines and nudges my leg with her small snout. She doesn't scarf down her food immediately. She must be feeling my anxiety about her dad.

"It's okay, baby, your dad will be home any minute now," I assure her while massaging her ear. "We'll just wait for him, okay?"