Chapter 67 - Justice


“That is not my child!”

“Don’t be silly, Austin,” my Mother dismissed. “Own up to your responsibilities. That is no way to be a real man, you should be ashamed of yourself.”

Trust my mother to deny facts and insult me at the same time in a single statement. I’m not even surprised that she would slither away from the issue.

She is a master manipulator and this is her favorite pastime - twisting everyone’s words and reality to suit her own.

I don’t know how anyone can argue with her and win, she has her own world. We’re all just living in it. She could wiggle out of trouble and blame it all on you. Plus insult you for your incompetence, all in one sitting.

“I saw it,” I said darkly. “The way you dragged me right from this room and injected me with some drug.”