Chapter 70 - Personal Hell

- Earlier that day -

“Charlotte,” I beckoned. I didn’t have to tell her twice, the puppy jumped up as high as she could on my legs until I was able to get a hold of her. In her excitement, she began licking my face and biting me everywhere she could.

With all the events at the Cane’s, I haven’t been able to be with Charlie that much and I’ve been making up for it this week. In my absence, it seems that the docile and independent puppy has become a little helion. My mom has taken to training her but it just doesn’t seem to work. Her favorite hobby nowadays is gnawing everything and playing hide and seek with my footwear. My only remaining pair of slippers is missing chunks of it.

According to the internet, she’s teething and this is the best time to get her to do some tricks. I don’t think she’ll want someone telling her what to do, but I had to find a way to tire her out. I’m afraid the few remaining furniture at the house can’t take much of her gnawing on them.