Chapter 77 - Taking Risks

“He doesn’t care about you.” Parker’s voice refused to leave my mind the whole night. “You saw him, he didn’t even bother looking for you. Just went back to his life and on to a new girl.”

It was incredibly painful seeing him live his life without a care in the world while I was out here suffering. But then again, could I even trust Parker? What’s the context of the video he showed me?

If there’s anything I learned about Austin, he has reasons behind his every action. Parker though, should I trust him? The answer is no. Unlike Austin who has proven beyond his words and actions that his loyalty is with me.

Parker is someone opposite. Austin may be brash and explosive, he can be a real asshole if he wants to be, but at the end of the day, he’s a good guy. I just miss him so much. I didn’t know how much I usually relied on his strength and stability. Just being in his presence makes me so much stronger and braver somehow. Like I can face anything if he’s with me.