Chapter 93 - Desecrated

“And here I thought you weren’t the typical shrink.”

He cast his eyes on me. “Hmm… so your dad is a touchy subject.”

“Why don’t you answer questions about yourself?” I volley back.

“You didn’t ask me a question. You were merely stating an observation,” he coolly replied. “And you were, once again, evading my questions as well.”

“Touché, Mr. Shrink. By the way, is that offensive?”

“I don’t care.”

“I read that they call you a shrink in the olden days ‘cause you guys shrink people’s egos. Is that true?”

This got him to smile. “Well, it is arguably people’s egos that cause them to suffer, right? People do all sorts of things to protect their egos. Sometimes even to their detriment especially if they have a fragile one. Our perceptions of ourselves are more important than you think.”