Chapter 98 - Missed - communications


Raw, unfiltered anger surged in me when I heard the news. The blind rage slices right through me, and once again, I see red when I hear anything about that piece of shit. Like a tightly wound coil, the frustration keeps my body locked in and ready to fight.

Except this time, I’m sparring with unknown entities. Who the hell would free someone like that? What kind of twisted rationale could a politician have to use dangerous people for what, more votes?

Scratch that, that’s exactly what they do. They take advantage of the advocacies and use them for PR—anything to push for their political gains.

‘You better have a good explanation for this,’ I threatened my lawyer. Knowing fully it wasn’t her fault but needing someone to blame. ‘And a full-proof plan, that scum is going to prison this time if you don’t want to be my criminal defense lawyer,’ I added for good measure.