Battle for Ironhold

They made it just in time to hear the man mock Ethan and as if they rehearsed it they unleashed their auras at the same time that Ethan spoke. 

Then it happened. The Barbarian Chieftain roared and rushed towards Ethan, only to be blocked by Elder Dragon. 

After being blocked, the two swiftly disengaged from one another. They stood a few meters apart and stared at each other with battle-crazed looks. Without hesitation, they clashed once more, this time the clash had not happened by the rest of the knights but instead on a nearby rooftop. They were so fast most knights could not even see their movements. 

Their duel unfolded on the rooftops, as they leaped and bounded from one building to another, their every movement a testament to their agility and prowess. The city watched in awe as the clash of steel reverberated through the mountain peaks, echoing in the ears of those who dared to listen.