Elder Falcon's Follows Advice and the Battle Continues

Due to their speed, they were able to dodge the daggers of the assassins. Elder Flacon was already fierce at battle with the one assassin. Due to the small size of the room and the structure, the whole group could not fight fully out and had to restrain themselves. If the room were to collapse, the entire mansion would follow, and it would mean certain death for all those beneath it. 

The man with the red mask, whom Elder Falcon was engaged in battle with, was tricky to deal with. Elder Falcon had many times where he struck out, seemingly sure it would hit its target, only to feel nothing get slashed. The assassin kept dodging Elder Falcon's attacks by the thinnest of margins as if he knew where the blade would strike down. 

The whole sequence of the fight seemed peculiar; the assassin had almost rarely struck out and, most of the time, was dodging Elder Falcon's sword. And during all the preceding's, he had only sustained the faintest of scratches and minor wounds.