Chapter 15

Sherlock then directed his gaze towards my mom, delivering a stern message. "Don't make this any more complicated than it is," he said firmly. He continued, "As the principal has informed you, your son has always been the one to initiate fights. I've shown leniency because of your disadvantaged background and your son's scholarship status. But should you choose to pursue this matter further, I may reconsider his scholarship."

My mom's anger flared, her face flushing crimson as she clenched her teeth. She bit her lips so hard that they began to bleed. Turning to me, she gripped my hands tightly and said, "Let's go home."

The mention of these memories brought forth a surge of anger within me. I clenched my fists so forcefully that my knuckles turned white, struggling to contain the boiling rage that threatened to consume me. "Damn it," I muttered under my breath, the bitterness of the past still gnawing at my soul.

With a determined exhale, I resolved to leave those troubling memories behind. "I think it's about time I start heading home," I declared, my voice resolute. "I don't want my mom to worry any further."


As I walked away from the school hospital room on my way home, I strolled through the school hallway. My path took me past the school's male toilet, and suddenly, I heard voices coming from within. Curiosity piqued, I paused in front of the restroom door, straining to listen more closely.

A tense female voice echoed, "Please leave me alone. Don't do this. Why can't you guys let me go?" It was evident she was under duress, forced into something against her will.

I stood there, torn between helping someone in trouble and dismissing it as none of my business. But her plea rang in my ears again, "I don't want to do this, please let me go." Her voice felt oddly familiar, a haunting echo from my past life.

It struck me that it was the school's outcast, the girl they labeled as a "slut." She had suffered bullying just like I had, but for entirely different reasons. Jealousy surrounded her, stemming from her exceptional beauty,her porcelain skin, golden hair, and radiant presence drew attention from all.

She had rejected every boy who approached her, fueling resentment among the girls. Rumors circulated about her involvement with David and his crew, tales of her being intimate with them, giving the best favors, and carrying the shameful title of the school's personal scapegoat.

I hesitated, torn by conflicting emotions. I had believed I'd shed all my emotions for revenge, but a flicker of pity remained. She hadn't done anything wrong and was clearly innocent of my past torment. She bore no responsibility for the reasons I had chosen to end my life back then.

My resolve solidified. I couldn't stand by and let this injustice continue. I whispered to myself, "I know I shouldn't be doing this. I'm no hero of justice. But I can't help but feel sorry for her."

With determination, I approached the door to the male restroom and kicked it open with a resounding crash. Inside, I witnessed her tormentors: the twin bullies, Josh and Jack.

My anger surged as I recognized them. They were part of David's crew, complicit in the relentless bullying I had endured. But this time, I wasn't here for revenge. I was here to save her.

I confronted Josh and Jack, who were busy harassing her. Josh had his hands under her clothes, gripping one of her breasts, while trying to force her into a kiss. His crotch pressed against her from behind. Jack, on the other hand, had his hands all over her, one on her breast and the other on her rear.

Unable to contain my anger, I shouted, "What are you guys doing? Can't you see she doesn't want this?"

Josh smirked and replied, "Hey, transfer kid, calm down. She's the school slut, and she loves it," as he continued his assault on Susan's dignity.

Jack chimed in, his grin just as wicked, "Why don't you join us? She's good at what she does, you know what I mean."

The rage within me boiled over. I activated my ability and commanded, "Let her go!" But then, a message appeared in front of me:



The prompt that appeared in front of me filled me with an overwhelming mix of rage and anger. In my mind, I cursed the system, muttering, "Why the hell now, in this critical moment when I need it the most?"

I raised my head, turning my gaze toward Jack and Josh. They seemed genuinely puzzled by my actions and exchanged glances before breaking into laughter.

"We didn't know you were an Otaku," Josh chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Jack, with an impish grin, continued to harass Susan while joking, "Oh, my demon hands have power. I command you!"

Watching this scene unfold infuriated me, and my mind raced to find a way out of this situation without jeopardizing my future plans. Facing the two of them together was a clear disadvantage, and I knew they'd eagerly report any altercation to David, putting my future at risk. I needed to be clever about this.

Then, an idea struck me like a lightning bolt. My hand dove into my pocket, retrieving my phone. Swiftly, I snapped a picture of the twin brothers in the act of harassing Susan. With an evil grin, I showed them the incriminating photos and declared, "If you don't release her right now, I'll make sure these pictures of you harassing her are plastered on every social media platform I use."

A tense silence hung in the air as I let my words sink in. I continued after a few heart-pounding seconds, "And just so you know, I've backed up these pictures and videos to my cloud. If you try anything funny, like attacking me, I can easily access them at home. So, choose your next move wisely."