WebNovelELF IRL33.33%




edited by:neigh_boy240


Ahh... no wonder I had a good feeling today! I wonder who is gonna adopt me… Oh wait, I shouldn't go looking like this, but, well, the nanny doesn't seem to care, so I guess it's fine. I'm too tired to change anyways…

I don't care much about my appearance, so onward to meet my new mom! And one thing I got to say, as soon I met my mom, it's as though I met an angel. Her smooth hair, perfect figure, emerald eyes that glow in the dark, everything about her was so angelic. Like, I can't put it into words. So I asked the ange- I mean mom, where my dad was, and she replied that he is at home waiting for us. Oh, alright. As soon as the registration process or something was over, I went with my ang- mom home. Although the car ride had a weird atmosphere, it was okay because we had some small talk on the weather and all that. Eventually, it got to the point where I asked her, "Why pick me out all the kids there?" She replied, "It's quite simple, I've never seen such a handsome boy like you! Your yellow and green eyes, silk viridiscent hair, sharp ears, it's as though you're an elf from a novel written by a certain someone named Aunknown10... haha~!" That's... weird. A name, too? It sounds too specific to be a simple comment. Thinking that, I asked, "Uh, who is Aun-"

She suddenly cut me off, saying, "You'll know soon, son, you'll know soon." I'm like, "Okay, that was kind of familiar..." I thought back to Mr. Court. After that, we went to our home, my new home, and as soon as I entered, I saw a spacious hall with a kitchen in it, and a huge window. As I saw someone step out of the bathroom, presumably my dad, my jaw dropped.

"Mr. S-Shaun! Mr. S-Shaun, was that you?" Mr. Shaun was my dad?! He was like, "L-LE-LEON, LEON?!" My new mom didn't really know our history, so she, as expected, thought this was a good thing. "Oh my, you already know each other!" And I was like, "Is this ugly guy really my dad?."

Mr. Shaun, to put it lightly, was really offended. "GAH!" Mom was like, "Yes, he is, unfortunately." She gave a light chuckle to her joking comment. I was like, "It may be rude to call someone ugly, but it can't be denied that he is." Mr. Shaun said, "You too, honey?" and mom was like, "I'm sorry, honey, but it's the truth." She said, still giggling. After that day, for some reason, Mr. Shaun, who is hard to talk now after I offended him so badly, seemed to have a personal grudge against me. Like, this one time, Mr. Shaun tried to kill me while I was asleep, but as you know, me, I never really go to sleep because of my eyes. I caught him in the act, and he got even more scared of me. I feel like he's gone a little insane. Trying to kill me for an insult?

However, this one night, I fell asleep by mistake, and let's just say, that Mr. Sh- I mean Dad had seen my eyes glowing. Can you blame me, though? I can't stay awake for a week straight. He woke me up and said, "Why are your eyes glowing?" A million thoughts raced through my mind at that very moment. Should I tell him? Should I use the same trick with the nannies? I thought that maybe I shouldn't tell him, but then, it would be nice to get some weight off my chest. So I told him the whole story, and Mr. Sh- I mean Dad's reaction was kind of unexpected. I thought he wouldn't believe me, but he said, "It's kind of unbelievable, but I'm sorry you have to go through a lot, son."

What was I thinking? I just hope he didn't believe all that. After that answer, the atmosphere was weird, and Mr. Sh- Dad said, "Maybe I should leave and go to sleep. Um, good night, Shaun. A-and, also, you can sleep today, so don't worry I'll explain to your mom." Phew. I'm grateful. "Thank you, Mr sha- I MEAN DAD. DAD." Mr- DAD said it's not Mr. Shaun now, it's just Shaun, and I politely agreed. "Good night, Shaun."

I'm honestly getting frustrated on how many times I accidentally say, Mister.