(4) Roll-Royce palmoc

Looking at Lucas, who was acting differently this morning, Grace tilted her head. By now dozens of curses would have left Lucas's mouth if it were normal. 

However, strangely Lucas appeared exceedingly cold and calm, at the moment. 

'The only moment when I saw him making a cold expression, was when our father proposed to marry for the second time...' Grace felt suspicion rising within her. 

'Did he cause another incident?' 

Lucas was someone who had caused trouble from a very young age. And throw all of the responsibility on Grace and his father's up. 

Sometimes the events were small, while sometimes they totally went above something that could be suppressed. If it were not for Lucas, the business run by the family would have been stainless in reputation.

Thinking about how Lucas only caused trouble and nothing else, Grace couldn't help but resent him. She wasn't able to rest for even a second because of him. 

'Even mother passed away after giving birth to him...and now, he is doing nothing but throwing disgrace upon our family name.' 

The muddy emotions within Grace were transmitted to Lucas through her eyes. 

Lucas felt his back straighten involuntarily.

'The hell? It turned out my sister is a crazy bitch! How can she direct such a gaze towards her blood-related brother?!' 

Show some freaking filial feelings, for God's sake!

Lucas was really troubled this instant. 

From Grace's gaze, her emotions were just a few steps away from killing intent. Just a little guidance, she might just plan on killing Lucas in the future. 

It was apparent what would happen if a protagonist appeared right now, with his attitude of hating the villain, nothing good would come to Lucas. 

Lucas began looking through his memory to find some good moments with Grace. Even after he struggled to dig out all the memories from his head, nothing useful appeared. He did nothing but cause trouble for everyone around him. 

'...I have no intention of acting Goody Two Shoes in the future either. So the only way is to become stronger, no first I need to recruit some strong bodyguards. Then, I need to stay away from this crazy bitch.' 

Lucas treated women with gentleness, but that was only till they did not bring him any harm to a certain degree. He was immensely dissatisfied with Grace, he could not even stay at ease in the house. 

'Beautiful women must be admired, but not put above our heads. I guess, I should hurry up a little after all. I need to collect more villain points.' 

As for what to do excluding building strength, Lucas decided to just excel at everything, from music to business. 

'I need money, so I guess starting from business is not bad, but I want to build up some reputation too, enough to be known by everyone. Let's do both of them moderately.' 

From the look of things, Grace would take over the business after his father. So his future was bleak if he didn't have another alternative before that. 

Not long after, Servants walked to the table placing a breakfast, in the form of a feast before Lucas. 

The breakfast was mostly all toast, but at least four dishes were made from it. 

Still holding the mobile in one hand, Lucas held a random toast joint together, with white cheese visible in the corners. 

Taking a bite out of it, Lucas chewed slowly, tasting the amazing delicacy in his mouth. It was so tasty that it made him feel a little unreal.

'....If I remember correctly, the chef of this house has a unique talent, making all his food taste extra delicious. Well, he is not the best, but nothing to be looked down upon either.' Lucas looked at the images of the orphanage on his mobile. 

It was big, bigger than the villa Lucas was right at the moment. Of course, in terms of luxury, it was nowhere near it. 

Lucas began concentrating on his food more after that. 

A surprisingly quiet morning went by for Grace. 

Lucas got up from the table and moved to his room immediately. 

Changing his clothes to a leather jacket and shirt with shining logos, Lucas moved out of his room. Looking at his pants, which had an unbelievably glossy surface, Lucas kept touching them. 

'....Being rich is the best, the family has cars, villas, and many other things. There is nothing to worry about at all, but these are not mine. I won't be able to enjoy this privilege forever granted by the family.' Lucas felt it was a letdown, but didn't let it affect him much. 

Calling the driver, Lucas got up on the Rolls-Royce Palmoc, a new design from the company, only owned by hundreds or so people. 

Unfortunately, a few of the car brands became history because of the gates. Like Tesla, Ford, or Cadillac. 

Getting on a Rolls-Royce for the first time, Lucas couldn't help but admire the extraordinarily soft seats. 

'It's freaking magical....' 

This car provided defense strong enough to block a rank A awakened for a while too. 

"What is the destination, sir?" The driver asked, seeing Lucas still occupied in his thoughts. 

Lucas's emotionless face thankfully did not give away his internal thoughts. 

"Move towards the biggest orphanage in Survile." Lucas didn't bother remembering the name of the orphanage.

The car which screamed the word 'luxury' Moved through the front gate. 

With his handsome face, Lucas looked out of the window. Feeling refreshed internally, the scene outside was truly different from his memory. 

Huge skyscrapers were all over the place, with 3D video playing in holographic form. Technology has advanced a lot in the past decades, even though humanity faced the threat of becoming extinct due to gates.

'....I don't feel alienated thanks to the memory of the past host. I won't look like a country bumpkin at least.' Lucas sighed internally in relief. 

Lucas's car gathered a lot of attention, many people could be seen staring at the Rolls-Royce symbol on the car, with envy quite clear in their eyes. 

A sense of satisfaction and pleasure rose within Lucas, seeing this sight. 

'As I thought, being rich is important. Even if it doesn't help me subjugate the female leads and beauties, I want to be affluent in this world.' 

The driver professionally took Lucas to the specified location. 

"Wait here." A sharp voice left Lucas's mouth. 

'Hmm, Even normal words appear sharp because of my trait.' 

After giving instructions, Lucas entered the orphanage with no hesitation, which was a huge building.