(23) Bullied incident


The moment Lucas got up, he felt Syuzia hug him from the back with her sobbing sound. 

'Right, this song must have been very relatable to her, as her past is complicated too.' Lucas smiled wryly and turned around, comforting Syuzia by patting her head softly.

By the time Syuzia calmed down, Lucas finished looking through many of the unique talents in the system.  

Letting Syuzia sit on the bed, Lucas transferred the video to the drive on his computer. It was completed at lightning speed, in a blink of an eye. 

Having taken a premium pack of video editing software for his first video, he used it and quickly removed any unnecessary elements from his room. He removed Syuzia's crying scene that was recorded too. 

He secretly saved that scene in a drive, to tease Syuzia in the future. 

'I don't know why I like teasing girls, who have gotten close to me.' Lucas's lip curled up slightly staring at the screen. 

After playing the video a few times, Lucas was satisfied with the editing and his performance. It touched his heart no matter how many times he heard his song. The song was practically impeccable thanks to his singing supreme mastery. 

Seeing the notification of upload completion, Lucas frequently refreshed the screen, seeing the change with his naked eyes. The views rose in every refresh. 





Such a scene unfolded within thirty seconds of uploading the song. The amount of attention brought a satisfied smile on Lucas's face, he was proud of this new song more than anyone. 

Putting away the extremely high-featured mouse, which made Lucas want to scratch the back of his head, he got up and sat on the bed — entering a deep session of contemplation. 

'Should I try visiting other orphanages too? I might not chance upon another protagonist but there are possibilities of finding the female leads.' Lucas opened the mobile immediately after this thought. 

He was disappointed to find no other orphanage nearby, he would have to travel for at least three hours to arrive at the nearest one, and that too was just the time estimation of a one-way trip. Taking returning time into consideration, it would jump up to six hours. 

'Let's go some other day, I can look for other nearby places for now. Hmm...one of the top-tier hunters (Awakener) might be a protagonist, I must stay away from them.' A sharp light flashed by Lucas's eyes secretly. He was no match for them right now.

Once the awakener officially begins their career of killing monsters in the dungeons, AKA portals. They are known as hunters.

There are various ranks in the hunter hierarchy too, of course, the government has a say in deciding upon the ranking. Nothing like the good old government, always keeping a major role for themselves. 

'Is there a way to come in contact with any of them? Right...System, will I be able to discover a protagonist coming across their photo?' Keen interest was present in Lucas's question. 

[No, only by directly coming in contact with the Protagonist, supportive character, and Female lead, will their status be revealed to the host.]

'Disappointing...I don't feel like going through every individual career track record. A protagonist would of course do many miraculous things and have many harem members...' Lucas's brain froze for a second before his fingers began typing at a rapid pace. 

[Top-tier hunter with the largest harem.]

Lucas had noticed many things in these two days, the binding of the society and government was not as strong as it used to be. 

With the sudden rise of the awakener, it was set in stone for such a thing to occur. 

With the common enemy in sight, humanity will be strongly integrated, but after that...Only the future can say. 

Instantly, many search results portrayed themselves before Lucas, he blacklisted any who didn't look handsome with no hesitation. 

A protagonist must always be handsome! 

This rule can't be broken. 

In the end, he found the two most suitable people to be a protagonist. Their track record was impeccable and genuinely awe-inspiring. 

Lucas made up his mind to keep his distance from these two might-be protagonists. 

[Ding! The relationship deepened by 2 points. Obtained 500 villain points.]

'Ohh, it's still increasing? Good!' Lucas smirked. His song was already touching people's hearts.


Lucas's mobile rang suddenly out of nowhere. Seeing it was his father, he picked it up with a little thought. 

"....I have taken care of the incident you were involved in. Visit the assailant today without fail, I was unfortunately not able to fully draw out your name from the incident." Lucas's father, Terence wanted to tell him to apologize if possible, but he didn't in the end because of his pride. 

Lucas frowned after hearing this for a second, however, he remembered something from his memories. Grimacing the very next moment.

'That's why bullying is so scary without any limiters...' Thinking so, Lucas answered: "Okay, I will visit the hospital in the evening." 

"Do that, I will say this to make sure..."

Lucas cut him off: "I will not escalate this incident any further, no need for worry." 

"Good, I am happy that you have matured from before." Terence smiled on the other side of the phone. 

Exchanging a few more words, Lucas cut the call and looked out of the window silently. 

A product of being bullied, Katlyn. Multiple fractures, swelling all over the body, heavy damage was done to her face, and many more internal injuries.

It was a hot mess, coming in contact with the sons of many higher positions in society. Alas, it was taken care of by erasing all the evidence using an expert awakener. 

'Disgusting brats...They went too far, and for me to be pulled into it, tch-tch! I didn't even lay a hand on her though!'

What surprised Lucas the most was — all the records like cameras were manipulated too.

In the past, Lucas was part of the group that bullied school kids. Katlyn was initially not a bully target, but she became one after she stood up for a bullied kid. 

'Fuck...So dramatic, and she is so beautiful so she is probably a female lead and the guy she was protecting is the protagonist! I can already tell where this is going.' Lucas grimaced, thinking of how he had to take care of this matter. 

In truth, the past host of Lucas's body really didn't do anything, he wasn't the kind to bully using his strength. And more than anything, he wouldn't dirty himself with someone else's blood. A typical spoiled brat.

'Well, I was still present while the incident occurred though. I remember just watching for dozens of minutes before getting bored and returning home.' Lucas sighed. If the past him had done it, he could have just played along, but that wasn't the case. 

This point pissed Lucas off.

Calling the driver, Lucas gave him some instructions: "Buy a banquet of the best flowers and some recovery charm or something. Ah...and some packs of cigarettes too." 

Lucas added in the end. 

"Now what should I do?" Lucas stared at the ceiling. 

"Is there something bothering you?" Syuzia asked carefully. 

Lucas's eyes flashed evilly, 'Should I just kill Katlyn? As long as she lives, there is a high chance that she will seek revenge in the future.' 

Wondering like this, Lucas felt a throb in his chest in fright, he almost leaped to a dangerous decision, '....That's right, I forgot. I just need to conquer her, assassination is too risky. In the era of miracles like magic, nothing can be certain.' 

Lucas smiled wryly thinking that he received a stupidly hard female lead to conquer as his second one. 

"Get ready in a while, we will be visiting the hospital soon."