(30) Principal arrested

In the dead silence, Lucas opened his mobile and contacted the new secretary under his father. 

"Send me the contact number of my school's principal and inform my father to call me whenever he is free." Lucas spoke directly to the point.

"Understood, I shall do so immediately." A pleasant woman's voice answered back.

Waiting for a few seconds, a message appeared on the screen of his mobile. Without any hesitation, Lucas called the school principal. 

— Beep! The number is out of reach.

'The hell....I can only ask my father afterwards, now. Sigh....' 

Cutting the call, Lucas turned to Syuzia: "Go and wait for me in the car." 


As Styzia left his sight, Lucas's face grimaced with a dark shadow covering his face. 

The scheme prepared by Lucas was not something he came up with within a single day. It was the result of his intense research done for a whole week. But it all became ineffective against Yagren. 

'....Information, I couldn't gather enough info. And neither do I have enough manpower to handle his subordinate. Even my strength was lacking. He surpassed me in most aspects. So this is how other villains felt when facing the protagonist...' 

Lucas smiled bitterly with that thought in his mind. After a little thinking, he decided to buy something from the system's shop. 

[Minor rank up (D): 5,000 villain points.]

No mana was allowed to leak from his body, Lucas easily controlled the mana due to his C rank mana manipulation.

'First, I need to thoroughly destroy Yagren's power within the Halmen district.' 

Arranging his thoughts, Lucas began slowly walking toward his car. 

Getting within the car with a relaxed expression, Lucas instructed: "Take me to the usual hospital." 


From the moment Lucas carried out his scheme on Katlyn — her seizure began occurring earlier than the prior day. 

Now, Katlyn usually had a seizure way before afternoon. 

'I need to quickly deal with Katlyn and move to Halmen district. With the protagonist aura, I am sure that Yagren would save his mother one way or the other. I have to move swiftly, If I want to deal with him.' 


As Lucas was lost in thought, his mobile suddenly rang. Seeing it to be from his father, He picked it up immediately. 

"What are you doing now? I heard there was a major clean up operation in your school by the cardinal officers. You shouldn't bother going to...." 

Lucas cut off his father midway: "I am alright. I just left the school. So, what happened to the principal and the other teachers?" 

Lucas's father, Terence, spoke after a small pause: "They were all arrested. It seems like the law enforcers were able to get their hands on the school staff's dark history." 

There was not much worry in Terence's voice, as neither Lucas nor him had any deep contact with them.

"I see. Then, please spread the video that I will send you, father. You can take your time, I'm not in a hurry. Ah, and I wanted someone to teach me about combat, like an instructor." 

Instantly a happy voice responded to Lucas: "Ohh, are you interested in fighting at last?" 

Lucas could feel how pleased Terence was on the other side of the mobile. 

Terence continued: "I need you to remember this one thing no matter what. Without strength, in the current world you won't get far. Even if you inherit my whole company, it would only be a temporary power." 

"I understand, father." Lucas answered with a serious voice matching his father. He was truly aware of the current situation around the world. 

A non-awakener was nothing but replenishable trash. It was the same for the weak awakener, they were treated as expendable — who were somewhat useful. 

Lucas began talking with a hardened expression.

"I don't need someone who will teach me how to fight normally. I want someone who can teach me how to kill in the best way possible. It would be nice if he can teach me techniques useful in this aspect too." 

Just learning how to fight normally wasn't enough for Lucas. Because the people he will fight against weren't normal either. 

They were all the protagonists, who were always a step above others in combat. 

"....Understood. I already have a person in mind, but he won't be able to teach for a long time..." Terence's emotionless voice left the phone.

"Not a problem. Just hire him for next week." 

Lucas didn't see any problem in this. He could just increase his proficiency in technique using villain points, after learning the basics. What he sought after was raw knowledge and nothing else. 

"I will be heading towards the Halmen district next, so inform that ruler to do as I say." 

"Why are you heading there?" 

"I want to destroy one of the current five rulers of that district. You will understand the reason behind it once you see the video I will send you." 

After continuing the conversation with his father for a while, Lucas ended the call sensing the car to be nearing the hospital. 

After successfully transferring the video of what happened in his school party hall, Lucas headed into the hospital. 

No one stopped him as usual. Allowing him to easily enter Katlyn's room. 

The sight of Katlyn sleeping peacefully had become the norm to Lucas at this point. 

'I only have a week, so I should start conquering her soon. I will remove the remnant mana on her face by tomorrow, not totally of course. My goal is to make her totally dependent on me after all.' 

Lucas caressed Katlyn's face, which was covered in tight bandages — smiling with evil intentions. 

Waiting for ten more minutes, Katlyn began suffering from her usual seizure. Calming her down using his song infused with mana, Lucas quickly left the hospital. 

Before leaving, Lucas informed all the nurses and the manager to not speak about his visit to anyone, especially Yagren. It was just a reminder for everyone as Katlyn would wake up tomorrow. 

Lucas's understanding of the remnant mana had reached such a level, that he could manipulate it to the smallest detail. Hence, he could easily control the time of Katlyn's gaining consciousness. 

Today's session of song had already caused the remnant mana on Katlyn's face to slowly vanish. Though this effect would stop the moment Katlyn rises from her coma. 

From its current pace, Katlyn would no doubt gain consciousness tomorrow. 

"Head to the Halmen district." Lucas's eyes shone in an insidious manner. 

'I can't allow Yagren to obtain his mother back. She is a useful card that I can use against him. Not only her, I need more and more useful pawns to win.' 

Lucas folded his hands with a focused expression.