(34) Katlyn's condition

'It hurts....'

'It hurts....!' 

Pain rose like an unstoppable tsunami, giving rise to despair within Katlyn. 

She felt like clenching her fist and jaw, but her body betrayed her. 

She felt like screaming out all her pain, but her voice rejected her will. 

Unlike what the doctors had imagined, Katlyn could feel pain even after they administered painkillers. It was due to the mana harming her spirit itself. It was an S-rank awakener who disfigured Katlyn's face. 

No one in the world could analyze a rank A awakener's mana. Even Rank-A's mana was very hard to analyze as it was.

Lucas was aware of it and could only laugh blankly at that realization. It was not an A-rank awakener's mana that he analyzed, it belonged to an S-rank. 

Lucas thought that it was somehow connected to Yagren saving her from pain. Making Katlyn fall deeper for him or something going along those lines. 

And at the same time, Lucas realized the capability of his discerning eyes. 

Back to reality,

A familiar feeling of despair crawled into Katlyn. She experienced it so many times that she had grown indifferent to it. However, the same could not be said about the pain that refused to go away.

Katlyn felt like hugging herself in defeat, only to feel her heart fall from despair.

'Where are you....help me...please...' 

In the end, all Katlyn could do was beg. 

Begging to the voice that saved her for the past week. It was the only solace she could find throughout her time in a coma. 

The only voice that could set her mind in peace. 

However, no matter how long Katlyn waited — the beutiful song she waited for did not arrive. The only thing she felt was the complete darkness surrounding her. 

'No.....don't leave me alone too...' 

The moment the bullies targeted her, the whole class that she trusted to support her — began ignoring her. 

Her school life was thus destroyed with not even a single friend to talk to. 

Just as the feeling of solitude sank into her, an emotion spilled out of her heart. A feeling so strong that she felt her consciousness rejuvenated. 


'Bright....too bright...' 

At that moment, Katlyn opened her eyes. Not with complete hatred, but with a feeling of longing. 

"Impossible...How can such a miracle happen...! Have you checked if she has awakened some new ability? We need to check quickly, this is not something that can be explained scientifically!" 

A doctor could be seen moving frantically to explain the scene before him.

A patient that could never wake up without the highest-grade potion, woke up today. 

The doctor felt happy for the patient and at the same time, his curiosity about this phenomenon made him very excited. 

Katlyn's eyes traveled to the badge on the doctor's chest. 

[Dr. Hurven]

Katlyn tried to call the doctor, but her mouth refused to move according to her will. Suddenly, a golden hue left her body — recovering her sore body. 

At the side, a nurse injected a syringe with golden content into Katlyn's hand. 

In this era, treating the body's soreness from not moving was child's play. Magical herbs had already begun growing all over the world, along with the opening of the portals connecting to the monsters. 

Without any hesitation, Katlyn turned to the doctor with a serious face. 

Doctor Hurven stopped what he was doing feeling the intense stare. 

"Dr.Hurven....Where is he?" 


At the same time, 

A big uproar spread through the whole of Survile. 

A majestic castle appeared in the middle of the Survile. Floating gently in the air, a few kilometers above the sky. 

'The world's in a mess....' Lucas stared into the sky from his villa. 

With his dynamic vision, thanks to his discerning eye talent, Lucas could see the castle floating in the air while using mana to strengthen his eyes. 

Not many things were known about the mysterious castle yet, but Lucas knew one thing. 

The castle was somehow connected to a protagonist. 

In the original game, the harem master — there used to be only one protagonist in the whole world. But that was not the case anymore, which adversely affected the world. 

'Originally, a single protagonist would have risen to the peak of the world and traveled to different dimensions. But now, the protagonist with the strongest cheat will reach the peak of the world.' Lucas tapped on the railing unceasingly. 

Lucas planned on traveling to different dimensions too, his ambition didn't end just in this world. 

How could Lucas ignore the existence of other worlds? 

'I'm nowhere near the peak of this world and Leaving this world before killing all the protagonists seems like a disappointment too, I will have to ignore the other worlds for a while.' 

By the time Lucas returned, it had already turned evening. The sky had a strand of orange hue mixed into it, flashing onto Lucas's face. 


Hearing the sound of his mobile ringing, Lucas felt annoyed internally. He was already exhausted because of his trip to the Halmen district. 

Ruefully picking up the call, Lucas revealed a flabbergasted look. 

"Please visit the hospital quickly, Katlyn is having another seizure." The manager of the hospital spoke with shock in his voice. 

'So soon? Even if she is a female lead, this doesn't make any sense....did she awaken some strange talent? Well, I still can't visit her though....it's her job to find me 'mistakenly'. ' 

Lucas spoke coldly: "I can't right now, I'm busy. Take care of it yourself like you used to." 

Lucas cut the call and headed back into his room. 

'I acted as a solace to Katlyn for a week, which would originally have been Yagren's job. This without a doubt will make her closer to me, or even more. She was the kind that helped someone unrelated to her, so she might be even more grateful to me.' 

'I can't say she is the same as back in the school. She has gone through a lot. But I can't predict her changes without meeting once.' Lucas mused over the matter with squinted eyes. 

Sitting before his computer, Lucas looked through the comment section to pass his time. 

As time went by, Lucas's fan base grew to an unbelievable number. 

His sister had tried to invite him too, only to get rejected immediately. 

'I already have my hand filled with the protagonist. For now, just increasing my popularity on the internet is enough.' 

Lucas's original plan was immediately destroyed when he realized his connection with the protagonist, Yagren. If he didn't move, he would only be gobbled up by Yagren before anything. 

Danger lay in every corner of this world for a villain like him.