(92) Lucas's talent test

Looking at Subyel speaking proudly whenever it came to Lucas, Loken felt terrible internally. It was a feeling that was very distant to him.

Throughout his life, a moment like this never occurred, excluding the moment when he was still a noob.

'Why is she suddenly acting like this? She would usually at least listen to whatever I had to say, but today....it seemed like she was trying to cut me off.' Loken squinted his eyes.

He had dozens of wives and supporters, whom he gathered by his capability. However, even among all of them, there was no one like Subyel. A talent that could overwhelm anyone's imagination.

'She could already understand advanced magic at 10 years old. Getting her for myself is a must if I want to reign as the tower leader for a long time. Turning her into one of my wives is the best method to fulfill that requirement....'

But what was this?