(106) end of volume 2

The magic sandstorm was like a giant tsunami made up of desert sand. It covered almost half of the sky, appearing like the end of the world.

This sandstorm's blueprint was received by Lucas after he absorbed the whole database of the special dungeon.

The reason why no one could take care of the magical sandstorm was because of its special ability.

The sandstorm could disrupt mana. Making the mages useless, while severely weakening the physical-type awakeners. They could only protect themselves once they entered it.

The boss demon's face grew gloomy from the monstrous mana fluctuation of the sandstorm.

"It's a disaster...I will be ripped apart in no time after I get swept into that...But where can I run?"

As far as he could see, the sandstorm covered his whole view. Running away from it had no point as it would reach him sooner or later.