Puca Contract

"She was able to contract with a puca?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes, it should be helpful to her and the pack to have him here." Clyde said.

"I would say so. It is not easy to form that kind of contract. Maxine is very lucky."

"Why is it hard?" Isaha asked.

"Making a contract with any kind of creature is difficult, but when they are intelligent beings, they have to recognize you as worthy before they are willing to make a contract, especially one like Maxine had to make. I need the blood to make a potion for her. Would you like to watch?" She asked.

"Can I?" Isaha exclaimed.

Evelyn giggled at his enthusiasm. "Of course you can," she said. 

"Are you sure about that?" Clyde asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Evelyn asked. "I do not see the harm in letting him watch."