Keep a secret

"How did she do?" Clyde asked when George came back into his chamber.

"We need to talk about something," he said sternly.

Clyde straightened up in his seat, "this sounds serious," he said.

"It is," George replied. "Evelyn can read thoughts," he said.

Clyde straightened up further and cleared his throat. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"She asked me how I warded my mind so well because she could not read my emotions or thoughts," he replied.

Clyde sighed, "I knew she would have a much more powerful skill than simply reading emotions, but this is not something that should ever be shared," he said sternly.

"I told her as much," George replied. "I promised to teach her how to ward her mind tomorrow. She will need to know how to do that to keep anyone out."

"She will need to learn," Clyde said. "How was she with everything else?"