Successful Runes

The days passed in much the same way. Evelyn would meet with Karinag, practice the same set of potions and then head to her lesson with George until it was time to go and study with Micah. She was making progress in her training with George and she was pleased with it. She was able to hit the target with her arrows and her swordplay was improving as well. She was almost finished with the stack of books that Micah had given her and she felt like she better understood runes now, but she had yet to put them to practice. 

"Are you almost finished?" Micah asked Evelyn as she closed one of the books on the table. 

"I just finished," she replied.

"Very well. I think it is time for you to try your hand at creating some," Micah said. 

Evelyn could hardly contain her excitement. She had been looking forward to crafting her own runes for some time now. "Where should I start?" She asked.