Creating the ward

Evelyn woke with a start. She had gotten a good night's rest last night after they returned from the woods and she was surprised that she was awake already. The sun had barely started to rise but she was wide awake. She fixed her hair and picked out a simple dress that did not require a corset. She was not sure what she would be doing today, but she did not want to be confined to a corset if she could avoid it. 

She was surprised to see Micah and Clyde already at the breakfast table. "Good morning," she greeted them. 

"Ah, you are awake?" Micah asked. "Good. We have a lot of work to do today with reinforcing the wards. Michael will be joining us. We should be able to make quick work of it. Here, read over these notes and ask me if you have any questions," he pushed a large journal across the table to Evelyn.