Something has got to give

Evelyn could not help but to feel that something as seriously wrong with George. She did not want to say anything, but she could feel his chaotic energy and it was beginning to worry her. She could feel his anger and it was directed at her. She swallowed the lump in her throat and silently prayed that they would figure out a way to deal with the hex soon. 


Clyde could also feel the chaotic energy that surrounded George. He had always been rational and levelheaded, but now he was unstable. He hoped they would find out a solution soon because he could feel how dangerous George was to Evelyn. He knew that if things did not change, he would have to do something that he might come to regret. He focused on the road ahead and they road in silence until the sun began to set. 


"We will stop here for the night," he informed the group.