Act according to plan

Evelyn prepared herself for the arduous journey ahead of them. She changed into a pair of simple trousers and a loose-fitting blouse. She then added her leather vest and boots. She examined herself in the mirror and braided her long black hair into a single braid down her back. She checked the contents of her storage bag and when she was finally satisfied that she had everything that she would need, she headed downstairs to find the rest of the gang. 


Clyde and the others were seated at a table in the far corner of the inn. Evelyn swallowed the lump in her throat and went to join them. She was admittedly nervous about their plan of action for tonight. She could not get the image of the ritual out of her mind and she just hoped they would be getting there soon enough to put a stop to it. 


"Are you ready?" Clyde asked as he looked up into Evelyn's eyes. 


Her heart fluttered and she simply nodded her head and took a seat at the table.